
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Crown Financial Ministries

What a satisfying day I had today. Our Crown Financial Ministries' group met for the second time after church. It's an interesting concept, studying the Bible to see what it has to say about finances. Turns out it's a lot more than "The love of money is the root of all evil." According to Crown, there are 2,350 verses linked to money, how we make, spend, give and save it.

We're a small group, just our leader Carlos, Ruth, Lois, Betty and I but our discussions have been animated and interesting. There's something about a small church study group that brings out the best in people. I already sense a new closeness and affection building among us. Reading our homework responses and discussing the Bible verses opens the door to sharing our faith and, although the opinions sometimes raise questions rather than answer them, faith is strengthened. It will be a good ten weeks

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